Upgrading from Glassfish 2 to 3 - JSF & EJB problems

From: <>
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2010 05:15:01 PDT


We're trying to deploy an application which uses Spring, EJB and JSF on Glassfish v3, while it is perfectly working on Glassfish v2.

We faced some problems with JSF 2.0 (we use 1.2 in our project) but managed to solve it by creating a sun-web.xml with useBundledJSF to true.

This made the application work to the point where we need to use an EJB injected DAO class. In Glassfish v2 this always worked but in v3 it gives us a NullpointerException because that DAO is never initialized.

Is there some other fix I need to apply such as the useBundledJSF in order to make our project that worked on v2, work on v3?

Any feedback will be *greatly* appreciated!


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