Glassfish server bugged auto deploy 2.x

From: <>
Date: Thu, 05 Aug 2010 08:05:09 PDT

Hello all,

I've been using Glassfish for the past couple weeks and very much enjoyed the tool, it was very easy to setup using Netbeans.

As of yesterday morning my Glassfish server (localhost) complains when I deploy with multiple error messages and refuses to start. If I manually start the server and deploy the .WARs everything works correctly.
I've attached the error log I'm getting (Instead of filling this post with junk)

The one line that stands out to me was the "Caused by: Address already in use: bind", I've been watching my ports with netstat and I haven't seen anything suspicious interfering on the 4848 8080 8181.

My code wasn't updated between the last successful run and this error beginning (It worked when I went home, came in the next day to error messages), Which I find quite suspicious.
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