The GlassFish Wiki is moving! (to

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <>
Date: Fri, 02 Jul 2010 21:08:56 +0200

Fellow GlassFish Community members,

The GlassFish Wiki ( is moving to a new infrastructure on
This will offer a robust infrastructure (better uptime), a great wiki engine (Confluence), and better overall security.

The migration will happen over this coming week-end and will cause the existing wiki to be in read-only mode starting at :
        Sunday July 4th 8am PT for about 6 hours.

After the move (early Monday at the latest I hope), all current pages and attachment on jspwiki will remain available at their current location but will be locked for editing. They will also include a link to the new page on WSC. The new home for the wiki will be :
and every page there will have a link to the older page in case the formatting after the migration isn't ideal. uses CWPID (, same as for so a good number of you will already have an account.
Others will need to create an account and ask for edit privileges (a rather painless process). Oracle employees should create their account at :

Please send my way any questions you may have about this migration (I tried keeping the email short, but there are obviously greater details available if you need them).

thanks and see you hopefully all on next week!