Re: The GlassFish Wiki is moving! (to

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <>
Date: Sun, 04 Jul 2010 18:32:57 +0200

The migration of the GlassFish Wiki is now complete. From now on, please use

Here's are a few notes on the migration (FAQ, Wiki syntax, Known issues, ...):

If you don't already have an account, get one here :
Older glassfish wiki accounts are no longer operational.

While the older content is still available, note that it is now in *read-only* mode.


On 2 juil. 2010, at 21:08, Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine wrote:

> Fellow GlassFish Community members,
> The GlassFish Wiki ( is moving to a new infrastructure on
> This will offer a robust infrastructure (better uptime), a great wiki engine (Confluence), and better overall security.
> The migration will happen over this coming week-end and will cause the existing wiki to be in read-only mode starting at :
> Sunday July 4th 8am PT for about 6 hours.
> After the move (early Monday at the latest I hope), all current pages and attachment on jspwiki will remain available at their current location but will be locked for editing. They will also include a link to the new page on WSC. The new home for the wiki will be :
> and every page there will have a link to the older page in case the formatting after the migration isn't ideal.
> uses CWPID (, same as for so a good number of you will already have an account.
> Others will need to create an account and ask for edit privileges (a rather painless process). Oracle employees should create their account at :
> Please send my way any questions you may have about this migration (I tried keeping the email short, but there are obviously greater details available if you need them).
> thanks and see you hopefully all on next week!
> -Alexis.
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