Re: 3.0.1Ear App Client starts when run from netbeans but not through web start

From: <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 12:34:42 PDT

A few comments...

1. How are you launching the client? I ask because there's no point at which Java Web Start should refer directly to the files in the GlassFish directory. It should always use generated URLs that look something like http://(host):(port)/__JWSappclient/...

This is important because GlassFish knows to automatically sign JARs that are being served to Java Web Start, but only if you launch using http://(host):8080/context-root-for-app-client. When you deploy an app the server.log file contains a message giving the context-root you can use.

2. The error attempting to process extensions could be a bug or it could be a side-effect of the way you are launching.

3. The "established connection aborted" messages are ones we've seen but seem, as you said, not to affect the launch. I think - but have not verified - that Java Web Start starts a download of a JAR and then discovers that the cached copy is up-to-date and so aborts the transfer. This should not happen, but I have not discovered exactly what is causing it to know if it's a Java Web Start problem or a Grizzly problem (that's the transport layer basically in GlassFish) or a GlassFish problem itself. And since launches work even with those messages I have not investigated this enough to learn what's happening.

4. There are some differences in 3.1 vs. 3.0.1 regarding Java Web Start support, but I am not sure that explains what you are seeing.

- Tim
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