Re: NullPointerException In EclipseLink During EAR Deployment

From: <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 14:00:55 PDT

The string "DDL" does not appear anywhere in the server.log.

I tend to work with no exceptions allowed at all. There is only one warning, which can't be removed because it leads (or in the past led) to another bug:
     "Context initialization parameter 'facelets.LIBRARIES' is deprecated.....please use 'javax.faces.FACELETS_LIBRARIES' in the future"
As an aside, I haven't checked again since, but GlassFish had this hard-coded somewhere, so when I changed it as requested, the application broke. It works as it is now.

Moving on, the database is reachable based on the fact that the MQ tables are in the database. In addition, If I surgically open the ear file, and change just the <provider> tag in the persistence.xml to Hibernate's provider, and change nothing else at all, including the GlassFish configuration, the EAR file deploys and tables are created.

I haven't had a chance to return to this issue due to other deadlines, but I'd bet good money if I start removing logical components out of the EAR file (carefully so what remains works), the tables will miraculously appear, because as I mentioned before it has happened before. From memory, that issue was caused when a class in a jar in the lib directory of the ear file had a superclass which was in a EJB jar (i.e. a dependency issue). The EAR claimed to deploy successfully, but there were no tables. I moved the erroneous class into the EJB jar, and tables appeared at that time. Now they are gone again, and as before no clues show up.

Those are the hints that I have right now.


[Message sent by forum member 'teknomad']