Re: Glassfish Roadmap: Stability vs. Features

From: <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2010 10:39:33 PDT

Hi Harald,

The JPA expert group has been keeping the community informed through frequent talks, blogs, articles, webinars, etc. by many of its members, and welcomes feedback from and discussion with members of the community.

All of our feedback lists channel directly to the expert group as a whole, and developers who send us feedback frequently engage in a back-and-forth with members of the group on those lists. The JCP also provides an open forum for feedback on each expert group's JSR page, so you can post there as well, although in practice most people chose to send email directly to the expert group.

In terms of the TCK -- the JPA 2.0 implementations that have successfully achieved compliance with the JPA 2.0 specification in passing the TCK are EclipseLink, Hibernate, and OpenJPA.

A Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) strives to be as complete as possible but will not be able to provide 100% coverage of the all of the testable assertions in a given specification. As new releases of a specification become available, the TCKs continue to expand and improve assertion coverage.

A TCK is also not meant to be a Quality Assurance or unit test suite. It is unfortunate that you have uncovered the bugs that you have, but you can help us in improving the compatibility of those implementations by submitting bugs directly through their bug reporting processes. Our team is now aware of the TCK holes that you have pointed out, so I expect that they will be fixed when we next rev the JPA TCK.


[Message sent by forum member 'ldemichiel']