Glassfish 3 Admin Console Not Accessible On Ubuntu PC With No Internet COnnection

From: Carlo Camerino <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2010 19:52:18 +0800


i'm having problems with glassfish version 3 and glassfish version 3.1.
With both of them, I have trouble accessing the admin console in which
the application indefinitely hangs.

It happens on computers with no internet connecction. In this case, it
is a linux machine with no internet connectioin.

I tried both version 3 and 3.1
it's either not working at all or it works after some time... a very long time.

Version 3 Log:

AMX ready for use, DomainRoot = amx:pp=,type=domain-root|#]

console: initSessionAttributes()|#]

refresh Catalog : Connection timed out|#]

idle Thread: http-thread-pool-4848-(2)|#]

Component count = 0|#]

Version 3.1 Log:
tail -f server.log

config read, domain config registered as amx:pp=/,type=domain|#]

registered at amx:pp=/,type=J2EEDomain,j2eeType=J2EEDomain,name=amx|#]

AMX ready for use, DomainRoot = amx:pp=,type=domain-root|#]

console: initSessionAttributes()|#]

timed out|#]

to repository failed. You may want to configure the Proxy Host and
Proxy Port information. If user name and password is needed for the
proxy setup, you will need to configure that through updatetool.|#]

Is there anyway that I can prevent the computer from trying to updadte?