Re: Glassfish & 3.0.1 persistence-context-ref-name

From: Mitesh Meswani <>
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2010 16:59:41 -0700

On 6/21/2010 3:18 PM, Dominik Dorn wrote:
> no, that's actually the problem... there isn't anywhere even the
> string "test" in any of my classes or files in any of
> my dependencies, at least not as I'm aware of.
Try running a grep through your sources. The error indicates your
sources do have dependencies on a pu named "test" either through
@PersistenceContext(unitName="test") or any other equivalent mechanism.
> the same app deploys without a problem in a pre 3.0.1 version of glassfish v3.
> I have actually two PU's in this war, but none is named "test", nor is "test"
> anywhere mentioned in my code.
> so, is there a way to make this error message more verbose to find out
> which code actually triggers this error by looking for/requesting "test" ?
Currently the code throwing error does not have more context than the
module name from where the request originated.

>> Above error implies that your web module "lyrix-webapp" does not have a
>> persistence unit named "test" visible. Do you have a pu "test" packaged in
>> your war's "lib"/classes dir or if this is an .ear do you have it packaged
>> in your ears "lib" dir?