Re: JMS: GF <- remote OpenMQ with dynamic configuration?

From: <>
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2010 09:12:55 PDT

Instead of working with OpenMQ, my task is to make Websphere MQ as third party JMS provide. I do not have to use JMSJCA, GF V3 already let you to enlist thrird party jms provider. Here is what I did,
1. install the ibm mq rar to GF V3.
2. annotate mdb as BEAN managed transaction, I got into same TxMgr problem (MQJCA1004 extended transactional client not installed), the GF v3 ejb container will activate end point as transacted, and I haven't installed mq's extended transactional client, so I got into activation exception.
3. Similarly sun-ejb-jar, add <mdb-resource-adapter> to indicate different adapter as from embedded imq.
             ......add all activation config here or annotate in MDB
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