Re: Javadocs for verifier?

From: <>
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 2010 07:08:34 PDT

> Currently verifier is not in a good shape; there has
> not been any work
> in it for quite some time now because of lack of
> resource.

Oh, that's really sad to hear. I hope it's not due to the Oracle evisceration (I mean takeover).

Let me throw the question out then: in our application, we find that by far the largest amount of testing we need to do is to verify our JPA mappings against at least EclipseLink and Hibernate. I am looking for a way to split this (currently heavyweight) procedure up across unit- and integraiton-testing phases.

My idea was to do something quick and relatively painless in the unit testing area--I remember that the verifier [i]used[/i] to catch these kinds of dumb errors for me several Glassfish versions ago, and I was thinking that in unit-test land we could just use it to make sure there weren't any boneheaded errors occurring.

Then in integration-test land we could use something like Arquillian to fire up all the machinery needed by JPA and actually test our real JPAs in this more heavyweight environment.

Given that the verifier is apparently all screwed up:
(a) Do you know if it would work for the purposes of simply checking persistence units?
(b) If not, do you know of another simple solution for sanity checking JPA mappings?

[Message sent by forum member 'ljnelson']