need example please!

From: <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 12:59:48 PDT

Issue - calling an EJB on one GF 3.0.1 server from another GF 3.0.1 server. Simple HelloWorld stateless bean defined in a remote interface. In either a web or EJB container without the security service (that comes later) running. It works, naturally, when using IIOP when everything is on the same server.

We've gone through many, many examples and tried many techniques with one consistency - nothing works. Each method results in maddening exceptions where the various pieces of information out there do not apply, cause more exceptions, or plain don't work. Something like this should be very simple as this is a core piece of functionality to EJB, so it is likely we're missing something. Can't find much in the documentation/developers guide on this - just an LDAP external JNDI resource example.

As such, we're wanting to take a fresh approach here. Instead of posting books of stack traces and config files I was hoping someone could post a step-by-step for what they have working. It would be greatly appreciated.
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