Re: Want to debug JDBCRealm

From: Stijn de Witt <>
Date: Mon, 3 May 2010 19:21:32 +0200

Thanks Dominik,

First, my apologies for the late response (to my own question!) but I had a
weekend with the family.

I am trying to follow your suggestions. First I am checking out the
Glassfish v3 sources from SVN as per the instructions on the Wiki, here:

It tells me that the SVN repo is at:

It doesn't say anything about a username or password, but TortoiseSVN comes
up with a dialog asking for credentials. First tried hitting enter but it
just asks again. Then I tried using username 'guest' and no password and
that seems to work. Maybe document that on the Wiki? It was just a lucky
guess on my part. :)

Next I will try to build it (it's downloading as I write this) but I still
have a question. You say I should copy the compiled classes to Glassfish's
lib directory... but I thought the JDBCRealm is bundled with Glassfish
already? Won't me copying a second JDBCRealm in there cause conflicts?

I will let you know of my progress. Thanks for your help!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Dominik Dorn" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2010 2:45 PM
Subject: Re: Want to debug JDBCRealm

you have to get the sources of the jdbc realm,
compile it yourself (and set the breakpoints in your ide).
then copy the compiled classes/jar to glassfishs lib directory
and attach your ide to glassfish's debugging port (you have to start
glassfish in
debugging mode asadmin start-domain --debug=true )

then access some page that should be protected through that realm and
your ide should stop on your breakpoint.

On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 12:52 PM, Stijn de Witt <>
> Hi,
> I am trying to setup a JDBCRealm in Glassfish v3, but I am having some
> trouble with t.
> It looks to me like I have setup everything ok, but Glassfish doesn't
> agree
> as it's not authenticating my user.
> To get a better insight into what I am doing wrong, I would like to place
> a
> breakpoint in the realm and debug it, but I have no idea how to accomplish
> this. Does anyone have any pointers for a Glassfish noob? :)
> -Stijn

Dominik Dorn
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