Re: _at_Remote EJB + JNDI supported in hybrid (JavaEE+OSGi) JAR?

From: Sanjeeb Sahoo <>
Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 08:21:56 +0530


I just downloaded your OSGi EJB bundle called
org.nightlabs.test.osgi.ejb_1.0.0.jar and tested. It works and does not
work depending on how you deploy it.

Option #1:
If I deploy by copying org.nightlabs.test.osgi.ejb_1.0.0.jar to
domain1/autodeploy/bundles/, it works. I can see the remote EJBs getting
bound to JNDI. Can you please deploy like this for the moment?

Option #2:
If I deploy using asadmin command "asadmin deploy --type=osgi
org.nightlabs.test.osgi.ejb_1.0.0.jar," I don't see the EJBs getting
deployed. I see message like this in server.log:

Exception deploying bundle

You probably didn't notice this message in the log. The command returns
successfully. This is a bug, because the message should have propagated
back to asadmin client as a warning. Secondly, I know why the error is
happening. The jar name is same as bundle-symbolicname+"_" +
bundle-version and that's causing a conflict. Again this is not an
application issue. I expect this to be handled by the code. To work
around this problem, simply rename the jar to something else. I have
tried this and it works as well.

I have filed issue 12078 to address these issues, but that should not
stop you from proceeding as there are simple work arounds available as
described above.

Sahoo wrote:
> I just found a mistake: The classes were refactored many times and the previous version of the EJB didn't implement the remote interface. No wonder that this doesn't work! I'm sorry, I should have checked whether the classes were still the way I thought them to be.
> Anyway, even after I fixed this, the EJB still doesn't occur in JNDI.
> Here are the sources + binaries:
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