Re: RE: character encoding

From: <>
Date: Tue, 11 May 2010 04:21:24 PDT

What martin meant (and I totally agree with him) is that you should
not use abusive words like "shit", "fuck" etc. as they let you appear like
a 12 year old, pubescent child that thinks these words are cool.

Most other people don't think these words are that cool and thus don't respond
to posts containing these words.

For your problem: when using utf-8 you have to encode your message bundles.
You can do this manually or with tools like native2ascii. I once blogged about it
when using German umlauts, you can see the post here:

For your other post: Its not really wise to insult every member of this forum/mailinglist
just because you where unable to express yourself in an acceptable way and thus have
not received answers for your problems.

[Message sent by forum member 'domdorn']