Application Monitoring: Where are the EJB's

From: <>
Date: Fri, 07 May 2010 04:30:09 PDT

I deployed an EAR containing various ejb-jars and one war archive.

In the monitoring panel only my war-archive with all the jsp/servlets is
visibile. In the select box "Application Monitoring" i can only select the
war as application below my ear. My ejb-jars don't show up in the select box.

I set everything to "HIGH" in the monitoring service configuration screen.

During deployment I got the following output for my EJB's in the logfile:

[#|2010-05-07T12:56:45.351+0200|WARNING|glassfish3.0||_ThreadID=29;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|MNTG0201:Flashlight listener registration failed for listener class : com.sun.ejb.monitoring.stats.StatelessSessionBeanStatsProvider , will retry later |#]

Currently I'm using Glassfish 3.0.1 b16 on a 64Bit Sun JDK

Any hints ?
-- devlyon
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