That number, 300 minutes, 5 HOURS(!!!), that's the right number?
it's an absurd number.
Which application is stalling the pipeline?
I would try deploying the server "empty", with no apps to see what the startup time is. This should be, effectively, instantaneous.
Then you can try starting the server up with the various applications and see how long it takes for each independent application.
I imagine one of your apps may be done something on startup, perhaps waiting for a connection to timout to some non-existent server or service.
You don't need to undeploy anything, you can simply disable the applications via the console or via the domain.xml. That's what I would do.
So, in summary.
Shut down your server.
Edit the $domain/config/domain.xml
Within there is an "<applications>", which contains both "j2ee-application" and "web-module" elements. Look through those, locate your applications, and change the "enabled" parameter to "false".
Then start the server. It should start right up.
Once that's done, shut it down, and change the "enabled" parameter from "false" to "true" on one of your apps, and do it again.
Do this with all of the apps independently (i.e when you turn another one on, turn the earlier one off).
I'm guessing it should be pretty obvious which application is having the problem.
[Message sent by forum member 'whartung']