how to authenticate with remote jms client ? (glassfish v3)

From: <>
Date: Wed, 05 May 2010 02:19:30 PDT

I'm having the rare use case a remote client needs to login directly to the JMS connection factory to post messages. I'm having no trouble making it work unauthenticated.

Now, I'd like to assign a Jaas realm (ie. "file") to make sure I'm dealing with trusted users and that they can only post messages on a particular queue. Access to other queues, topics, ... must be blocked.

I've looked at many places for a practical solution, but the best I've got is :

Add the properties to ".../mq/lib/props/broker/"

imq.authentication.basic.user_repository = JAAS
imq.authentication.type = Basic = file

Unfortunately part jms becomes inoperable as jms can not be "pinged" any more. I guess this means authentication works, but I have no clue how I can enable this "ping" any more...

Does somebody in here has a clue how I can proceed ?
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