Problems with Glassfish clustering, and load balancing setup.

From: lakshmipavithra pidatala - Oracle Sun - Santa Clara United States <>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 17:54:36 -0700

Hi all,

I'm trying to configure/setup load balancing, and high availability
using glassfish server v2.1, and not the application server 9.1(as we
are not supporting this). I'm having trouble deploying the sample
clusterjsp application, and I'm having trouble exporting and importing
the DAS Certificate for Sun Web Server 7 as I could not locate the
keystore.jks-file. I have followed most of the setup/configuration from
this website
I also referred to the glassfish High Availability Administration Guide.
I had to setup my load balancer plugin manually as the glassfish bundle
did not configure this for me.
Can somebody help? Is there any other document that I can follow.
