JAX-WS web services - servlet 2.4?

From: <>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 08:26:39 PDT


I have a simple proof-of-concept web service consisting only of an annotated class. When I deploy this to GlassFish 2.1 or 3, it is automatically picked up and published as a web service endpoint without me adding any deployment descriptors. This is a servlet 2.5 application.

If I take the exact same code but deploy it as a servlet 2.4 application (i.e. 2.4 schema specified in web.xml), this auto-deployment does not happen. I can manually create the servlet endpoints in web.xml and add the sun-jaxws.xml descriptor, it works, but I'd like to avoid having to do this.

Is there any way that I can get the 2.4 app to auto-deploy in the same was as the 2.5 app? My reasons for wanting to do this are that the ultimate production target for the app is WebSphere 6.1 + feature pack for web services but I use GF as my development environment.

Any help much appreciated.

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