Re: Changing default error pages

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 12:53:27 -0700 wrote:
> I have set up a Glassfish 3 system but want to use alternate error messages to conceal the server name and version number. To start, I created a default error page named 404.htm (which was placed in .../domain1/docroot) and then created an entry in domain.xml as follows;
> <property name="send-error_1" value="path=404.htm code=404"/>
> After bouncing the instance and trying to generate a 404 error, I still get the default error message.
> 1. Is there a correct location in the domain.xml where the above line should be placed?
> 2. Is the XML syntax above correct? (I have tried with /404.htm and that does not work)
> 3. Is the 404.htm file in the correct location?
> 4. Is there any detailed docs where this is covered (I've googled so much but got nowhere)?
> Any help whould be appreciated

send-error_<n> is a virtual-server property and its exact format
documented under


> Many thanks
> Or is there another
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