Changing default error pages

From: <>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 07:32:23 PDT

I have set up a Glassfish 3 system but want to use alternate error messages to conceal the server name and version number. To start, I created a default error page named 404.htm (which was placed in .../domain1/docroot) and then created an entry in domain.xml as follows;

<property name="send-error_1" value="path=404.htm code=404"/>

After bouncing the instance and trying to generate a 404 error, I still get the default error message.

1. Is there a correct location in the domain.xml where the above line should be placed?
2. Is the XML syntax above correct? (I have tried with /404.htm and that does not work)
3. Is the 404.htm file in the correct location?
4. Is there any detailed docs where this is covered (I've googled so much but got nowhere)?

Any help whould be appreciated

Many thanks

Or is there another
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