Re: documentation for osgi extensions?

From: Erik Brakkee <>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 23:15:50 +0200

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 11:01 PM, Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <> wrote:

> I haven't checked the docs but...
> - for EJB's as OSGi bundles, Sahoo's blog is the closest thing to
> "documentation" -
> others posts). This is work in progress and will require a recent build
> of GlassFish.
> - for injecting OSGi declarative services into Java EE managed objects, try
> (works
> with GlassFish v3 final).

Am I correct in assuming that the API jar is also not packaged with the war
in the second example?

Also, what happens if I only know the interface type of the OSGI service
without knowing its name. Is it possible to do resource injection then as

Also, I am currently having a problem deploying a web app containing both a
servlet and a local EJB as an OSGI bundle (it does work when deployed as
regular webapp).


> hth,
> -Alexis