Webapp deployment questions

From: Comerford, Sean <>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 12:00:29 -0400

So these are probably dumb questions but I’ll ask anyway.. with respect to Glassfish:

Question 1:

 1. Scenario: I have a clustered instance CI1 that only syncs at RESTART.
 2. I deploy two apps to the DAS with CI1 as the target
 3. I restart CI1

Are those apps deployed by CI1 in parallel or is it serial (that is app1 is deployed to CI1, then app 2 is deployed)?

Question 2:
If the answer to 1 is “serial”, is there a way to control the ordering of web app deployment (something similar to how servlet load-on-startup param works) in this scenario?

Sean Comerford, Software Engineer Site Architecture Group
Office: 860.766.6454    Cell: 860.329.5842