Re: gfv3 asupgrade.bat fails to run

From: Bobby Bissett <>
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 17:18:47 -0400

On Apr 26, 2010, at 1:19 PM, emiddio-verizon wrote:
> if i set JAVA_HOME it will run; JAVA_HOME not needed for asadmin.bat
> for gfv3.
> not needed for any commands used for derby or gfv2.x -- that i have
> used;

Ok, glad it worked for you with JAVA_HOME set. I inherited the
asupgrade batch file and haven't run it myself (without a windows
box). I see that the other scripts just use 'java' instead of
JAVA_HOME/bin/java, so I should check to see if there's any need to do
it the hard way and, if not, simplify it. I'm used to always having
JAVA_HOME set anyway so I would never have noticed.

Could you file a bug for me under the 'upgrade_tool' subcomponent here?

I think the scripts should be consistent, and it sounds like you do
too. :)
