RE: Re: EntityExistsException

From: Markus Karg <>
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 08:48:04 +0100



thanks for your kind help.


In fact, the case seems to be more complex:


(1) Why does it say EntityExistsException?


(2) The object cannot be detached as it is created just at the same moment using the new operator.


Is it possible that this strange combination of errors message is created in cases em.persist() is called twice?





From: Felipe Gaucho []
Sent: Mittwoch, 3. März 2010 08:12
Subject: Re: EntityExistsException


That's the exception description... Your object is detached, so you cannot call persist on it...


Google for detached entity jpa ...


* answering from a phone, that's why the short answers ;)

On 03.03.2010, at 08:09, "Markus Karg" <> wrote:

        Actually I do not understand what you like to tell me… Can you please rephrase?


        From: Felipe Gaucho []
        Sent: Dienstag, 2. März 2010 17:09
        Subject: Re: EntityExistsException


        Cannot persist detached object...
        On 02.03.2010, at 17:00, "Markus Karg" <> wrote:

                We have some trouble with JPA 1.0 (TopLinkEssentials) in GFv2ur2: Sometimes server.log contains:


                [#|2010-03-01T12:40:59.818+0100|INFO|sun-appserver9.1|javax.enterprise.system.container.ejb|_ThreadID=94;_ThreadName=p: thread-pool-1; w: 422;|

                javax.ejb.TransactionRolledbackLocalException: Exception thrown from bean; nested exception is: javax.persistence.EntityExistsException:

                Exception Description: Cannot persist detached object [de.quipsy.entities.appointment.Appointment_at_13ec86c].

                Class> de.quipsy.entities.appointment.Appointment Primary Key> [554]


                Exception Description: Cannot persist detached object [de.quipsy.entities.appointment.Appointment_at_13ec86c].


                This is weird! It says "EntityExistsException" (which means that the row already is found in the DB), but the cause would be "Cannot persist detached object" (which would mean that the object is NOT found in the DB AFAIK).


                Can somebody explaint this *combination* of errors?


                What is my fault?


                Mit freundlichen Grüßen


                Markus Karg

                Leiter Implementierung & Design






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