Re: Does Message Security - SOAP support authentication using a JDBC realm?

From: Kumar Jayanti <Vbkumar.Jayanti_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2010 15:52:29 +0530

Sarah kho wrote:
> Hi
> Can someone please let me know how to configure a security provider to
> use a JDBC realm for authentication?
> I read the (Chapter 10 Configuring Message Security)
> and several
> other blogs with no luck about configuring the authentication
> (authenticating the client with a realm like a JDBC realm)
> I know how to create a realm and even use it in a web application, but
> I do not know how to use it with web service security provider.
Are you using the
1. WebService Service Security Provider in GlassFish ?.
2. Or are you using Metro Style WebServices Security with WS-Policies ?.

If the type of authentication you are using is not BASIC, but
SOAPMessage security instead (by using 1 or 2 above), then you have two
options to specify the realm to be used

1. Make the realm that you want to use to be the default realm
2. OR Package your WAR into an EAR and specify the realm to be used in

If the Secure WebService is using BASIC Authentication then i guess you
already know where to specify the realm (inside the web.xml <login-config>)

The following may help :

> Any help is very welcome.