How to find out Session bean type from interface

From: Major Péter <>
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2010 01:09:36 +0100


I'm writing an extension for Apache Wicket, to be able to use the @EJB,
@Resource and @PersistenceUnit annotations within the pages, but now I
have some problem with stateful session beans:
I have the following in the page:
private PersonManagerLocal personManager;

In my injector I'm going to get this personManager field, so I could
inject a proxy object for the bean itself, but even if I use the
reflection API, I'm only going to get informations about the Interface,
and not the bean itself.
So my question would be:
How could I find out from the interface, whether the implementing bean
is stateless or stateful?

Best Regards,
Peter Major

p.s.: sorry for the little offtopic