Twice the same application on GFv2ur2

From: Markus Karg <>
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 17:21:17 +0100

Dear Community,


one of our customers asked whether the following scenario is possible
and how to set this up:


One GlassFish instance on a server serving the same EAR (Swing Frontend
in ACC, MDBs and SLSBs using JPA to the backend) for two groups of
clients. Everything is the same for the groups, but not the database
connection. That means: Group A's EJBs will run against Database A,
while Group B's EJBs will run against Database B. You can think of the
scenario like to different companies running the same application, but
want to share one server engine to spare administrative costs.


What do we have to do to make that work for the customer? Possible
"Group" is nothing else but a Domain in GF terminology?


Would be great if there would be some whitepaper describing what the
correct steps are.


