domain instance dies with no warning.

From: <>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 08:57:01 PDT


We are experiencing some baffling behavior. Our domain just stops running without any warning, no errorr messages, nothing. We are running Glassfish 2.1.1 on a UNIX box. The only error we see in the server.log has to do with servicetag-registry.xml file. It is a permissionDenied error - I believe the user running the instance does not have permission to write to this file. The status for our server is "NOT REGISTERED". I don't think this would cause the instance to stop unexpectantly but don't know. I can't find anything other than a description of what servicetags does to know if this could in fact cause the server to stop all together.

Unfortunately I can not change the permissions on the file- I need to ask the system administrator to do that which I have done and hopefully will know later today if that corrects the problem.
Any help/insight would be great.
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