Glassfish v2.1.1 clustring in two machines- session memory replication

From: <>
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2010 04:49:25 PDT

Hi All,

I have Glassfish clustring with two machine M1 and M2.
M1 has the DAS and node1 with instance 1. M2 has two nodeagent1 node 2 node 3.. I have deploy the test cluster sample through the cluster and I tried to add a session attribute to one of these instances. the two instances (2 and 3) located on the M2 make the memory session replication successfully. however the first instance located at M1 did not make memory session replication.

I found through the server log the follwoing error

[#|2010-03-14T13:53:44.765+0300|WARNING|sun-appserver2.1|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=19;_ThreadName=Executor - 4;_RequestID=68be5220-32b8-4cde-98ea-a76ebcebf389;|ReplicationHealthChecker:replication health failure:stopping replication|#]

[#|2010-03-14T13:53:44.765+0300|WARNING|sun-appserver2.1|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=19;_ThreadName=Executor - 4;_RequestID=68be5220-32b8-4cde-98ea-a76ebcebf389;|sendReplicationState failed - pipeWrapper closed|#]

[#|2010-03-14T13:53:44.766+0300|INFO|sun-appserver2.1||_ThreadID=19;_ThreadName=Executor - 4;|JxtaSenderPipeManager::pipePoolCount decremented = 4|#]

[#|2010-03-14T13:53:44.766+0300|INFO|sun-appserver2.1||_ThreadID=19;_ThreadName=Executor - 4;|JxtaSenderPipeManager::pipePoolCount decremented = 3|#]

Any Idea what is the problem?

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