I've installed a fresh glassfish 2.1.1 instance and I get this error "#|2010-03-11T16:44:39.687+0100|WARNING|sun-appserver2.1|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=14;_ThreadName=Thread-11;_RequestID=f02be97f-89b3-4242-ac2a-51cf1186e60e;|WEB0133: Failed to read attribute count3xx from MBean com.sun.appserv:type=GlobalRequestProcessor,name=http8181
javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException: This operation failed, because it could not be handled by this domain.
An example of such an operation is creating application server instances or clusters when they are not supported by the given domain.
The actual error is: MBean instance not found: com.sun.appserv:type=GlobalRequestProcessor,name=http8181"
It will be logged sometime, after starting/restarting glassfish. It happens only after starting.
Any idea what's happening here? I'm not the first one:
The full stacktrace ius attached as file
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