gf 2.1 and node agent setup woes

From: <>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 14:51:18 PST

I can make this work but really want to get some understanding. After many iterations of making another box's node agent connect, I discovered this is the problem. In the master domain, domain.xml has this for my remote node:

 <node-agent name="gf71" start-servers-in-startup="true" system-jmx-connector
      <jmx-connector accept-all="false" address="" auth-realm-name="admin
-realm" enabled="true" name="system" port="40991" protocol="rmi_jrmp" security-e
        <ssl cert-nickname="s1as" client-auth-enabled="false" ssl2-enabled="fals
e" ssl3-enabled="true" tls-enabled="true" tls-rollback-enabled="true"/>
        <property name="client-hostname" value="gf71"/>

** Note the address,which is not correct. If I manually change this to the ip of my other box with gf71 node agent, it all works.

So the question is, how does this get set when I do create-node on the other box? Why would it set to I do not have dns set up so perhaps that's related but I didn't think dns entry was required to deploy. I made sure both boxes localhost pointed to real ip instead of 127.

Any idea why this is?
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