Re: Auto-refresh in code for deployed app (jruby)

From: Robert Weeks <>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 08:43:36 -0800

>> Are you running in development mode?
>> hmmm - to be honest - I am not sure. :\ I assume you mean as -client? Or
>> setting the rails_env to development (--property jruby.rackEnv=development)?
>> If so on either -then yes. :)
> Yes, Rails environment -- I haven't used that property, our application
> sets the environment in web.xml. You didn't say how you're deploying
> but is it possible you have a conflict there?

The reason this is a bear is that it seems when we ran just as 'ruby script/server' - we could touch any of the rb and/or erb files and see an immediate change with refresh - which is something I am not seeing in this context - making the testing longer.

Thanks again for your ideas.

Robert B. Weeks