When sending a message to a queue, it's up to the sender to specify whether they want to send it in a transaction or not, and whether the message should be persisted in the server. Neither is a property of the queue itself.
To send a non-persistent message, use QueueSender.send(Queue queue, Message message, int deliveryMode, int priority, long timeToLive)
and set the deliveryMode argument to DeliveryMode.NON_PERSISTENT
As for how to configure the sender not to use a transaction: this depends on whether you are using a simple JMS client or running in Glassfish; in a simple JMS client simply create a non-transacted session. In Glassfish the use of transaction is configured by the usual CMT or BMT settings. If you need more info just ask.
[Message sent by forum member 'nigeldeakin' (nigel.deakin_at_sun.com)]