Re: List of files in FTP using FTP BC

From: Jim Fu <>
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 2010 09:52:36 -0800

Hi Vijaya,

FTP BC is a binding component, meaning it provides WSDL binding to a
specific protocol, i.e. FTP, so by design, it does not provide FTP dir
listing result directly to the application logic, instead, the service
definition can indirectly control the dir listing by setting target dir
and file name patterns etc.

however, in reality, vendors may expose operations that return a list of
entries, e.g. oracle FTP BC (SCA jca binding of its JCA FTP adapter)
expose an operation "List Directory" or something like that in addition
to PUT, GET operations.

in short, currently, open esb FTPBC does not expose that capability to
the application logic, you can go to open esb issue tracker and file and
RFE, hoepfully, some community contributor can work on it;-)


Vijaya Maddela wrote:
> Hi
> How can I get list of files present in FTP Server using FTP BC ?
> I don't want to process files. Just I want to list of files present
> ftp location in a particular folder.
> Thank You
> Much Respect
> Vijaya Kumar Reddy.Maddela
> Mobile:9704179993|40-40119993
> US:978-306-3751
> UK:173-730-6078