How to start and run GlassFishV3 without Netbeans

From: <>
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 2010 07:54:01 PST


am just trying out Netbeans6.8, GlassFishV3, EE6 and JSF and have to say loving it so far, seems to make life so much more easy and doable then when creating projects with JSP.

Anyways having got everything up and running, I've encountered a little problem I dont know how to solve, I installed GlashFish seperately from Netbeans on C:/ however everytime Netbeans is shutdown it also closes down GlassFish, what I would like to know is how I set the options just like on Tomcat where GlassFish can be set to constantly be running without needing Netbeans6.8 for start-up and shut-down

Many Regards

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