Glassfish v2 alternatedocroot - will DAS sync it?

From: <>
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 11:27:41 PDT

Using Sun Glassfish Enterprise server v2.1.1

I am using "alternatedocroot" via sun-web.xml for my web application to abstract out static content from actual deploy-able code (EAR/WAR)

What I have is a cluster of two server instances distributed across two physical hosts - HOST1 and HOST2. "alternatedocroot" points to /data/static-content/ on both HOST1 and HOST2. Would DAS (Domain application server )take care of syncing /data/static-content between HOST1 and HOST2 if I use syncinstances=true option while starting up the cluster?
(please see attached image for cluster/directory set up)
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