Re: Question about Glassfish-specific JNDI naming

From: <>
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 09:39:00 PDT

Thanks for reply!
I understand that there are no clashing between Glassfish-specific names and those defined by EJB 3.1.
But, just because Glassfish implicity includes its specific JNDI names for backwards compatibility, when we have one single remote interface, I am in trouble. Because all of my beans are defined with one remote interface. In this way, I can't publish two EARs of my app that uses the same bean classes in the same Glassfish domain, because it will result in a clash.
As a result, I will have to create two domains, one for each app, just because of the JNDI conflict? Too much waste of memory, no?
So, there are any way to deactivate the Glassfish-specific JNDI names, that are in use just for backwards compatibility?
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