Glassfish v3 undeploy under netbeans

From: <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 19:40:30 PST

   First let me state that the problem I am facing is happening in development environment under netbeans 6.8. Basically, I am deploying the servlet using netbeans (rather than doing manual deployment). Now the servlet spawns a few threads and also opens connection to JMS. When I undeploy the servlet, glassfish states that the servlet was successfully undeployed, but I can still see that it is running (it did not actually kill it). So my question is: Is there some kind of callback that I can subscribe in my app to see if app is being unloaded (and I will gracefully terminate threads and close connections). Alternatively, is there a way to just terminate all threads and close all connections upon unloading (some flag in configuration)?

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