query returning null data

From: Eve Pokua <>
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 00:23:49 +0000


Hello everyone,


I'm trying to use the following query to return data but I'm

sure if I'm on the right track -


public Customerent custLogin(Customerent customer)throws ShoppingException{

          Customerent customers= null;
                            Query qt
                                    = em.createQuery("select c from Customerent c where c.cusid=?");
                   qt.setParameter(1, customers.getCusid());
                   return (Customerent)qt.getSingleResult();
            }catch (Exception e) {
                            logger.error("There was an error getting the customer login details. exception: " + e);
                            return customer;




I'm not getting the results I want.




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