Re: NPE at with appclient via javaws

From: <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 06:04:19 PST

AbstractModulesRegistryImpl is part of hk2, the very small kernel on which GlassFish (server and ACC) is based. That is a separate project on from GlassFish itself.

From my quick look at the source code, the NPE at the location in the stack trace should result only if there is also a prior error, including a dump of a stack trace to System.err. (The variable which is null is assigned inside a try block, and the catch block for an IOException prints the stack trace and continues, allowing the null to be passed along.

Was there an earlier stack trace display during the run?

What Java version are you using?

What happens if you deploy the EAR using the "--retrieve localdir" option and then try to launch the app client using the appclient command?

Are you able to share your EAR, either as an attachment to this topic or privately to me in e-mail?

- Tim
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