Re: Running asadmin using ant

From: <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 10:46:33 PST

i also had 'asadmin start-domain' hanging. here is how i got around it in case this helps others. (none of the other proposed solutions worked for me) i should mention that i'm using GF 2.1.1 and the original user was using v3 so there may be some differences there:

                <exec executable="${asadmin}" failonerror="true" vmlauncher="false">
                    <arg line="start-domain ${}"/>
        <waitfor maxwait="${gf.wait.seconds}" maxwaitunit="second" timeoutproperty="timed.out">
            <socket server="localhost" port="${gf.admin.port}"/>
when started in a <daemon> Glassfish doesn't hang the script but it will return so quickly that GF will not have started so I put in a <waitfor> so that the rest of the script won't run until glassfish is responding on the admin port or the timeout has been reached.
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