Re: Comment: Follow up on Servlet 3.0 Security Annotations

From: Shing Wai Chan <Shing-Wai.Chan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 10:32:01 -0800

By default, annotation is not allowed for web-app_2_4.xsd.
You may like to update to latest version of the schema:
<web-app xmlns=""
metadata-complete="true" version="3.0"

Shing Wai Chan

Bheem Shukla wrote:
> Shing Wai,
> Thanks a lot for looking .
> No error messages seen in log
> Snippet of latest log deployment :
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [#|2010-01-19T12:06:26.762-0600|INFO|glassfishv3.0||_ThreadID=11;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Loading
> application servlet3web at /servlet3web|#]
> [#|2010-01-19T12:06:26.762-0600|INFO|glassfishv3.0||_ThreadID=11;_ThreadName=FelixStartLevel;|Loading
> application servlet3web at /servlet3web|#]
> [#|2010-01-19T12:06:26.763-0600|INFO|glassfishv3.0||_ThreadID=11;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Loading
> servlet3web Application done is 11375 ms|#]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Also attaching web.xml file if it helps.
> Thanks again for your help.
> Thanks And Regards,
> Bheem
> On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 12:00 PM, <
> <>> wrote:
> Shing Wai Chan wrote:
> It should be working. Can you check if there is error in
> server.log during deployment time?
> ----
> Respond to this comment at: