Webservice without module. Can't undeploy or remove.

From: <>
Date: Mon, 04 Jan 2010 14:29:02 PST

Hi everyone,

I've been working on a JBI project for some time, and while I've been able to get away with google searching and bugging helpful experts via email, I've run into a rather irritating problem I hope someone knows how to deal with.

Currently, I have a webservice (AisParser) that cannot be tested or the wsdl accessed. Previously I had included the module in my service assembly, but removed it due to deployment issues. I have since cleaned the 'externally managed' module from the server domain.xml and file structure to avoid a reinstall.

Currently the webservice published from rtf-parse-rtf-parse-ejb (service assembly-module) is interfering with the independently managed rtf-parse-ejb modules webservice as they are functionally identical.

The attached image ( illustrates the current setup.

So, all things considered, does anyone know how to get rid of this irritating throwback without reinstalling glassfish?
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