Connecting to an EJB 3.0 Remote SessionBean from Tomcat

From: <>
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 05:29:33 PST

I 've read this document.

But at tis point, Ididn't find all jar files(appserv-deployment-client.jar, appserv-ext.jar, appserv-rt.jar and javaee.jar). I think it's apllied for v2 and with version3 what must I do?

Now, the Glassfish EJB3.0 FAQ also tells us to make sure that certain Glassfish jar files are in the Tomcat CLASSPATH. This turned out to be the hardest part to do, until I read this message from Kenneth Saks. Kenneth says to import only four jar files from the Glassfish project, being
appserv-deployment-client.jar, appserv-ext.jar, appserv-rt.jar and javaee.jar. These jars can be found inside the lib directory in the Glassfish install directory. As Kenneth states, these jars need to be in the shared/lib directory in the Tomcat install directory. The Tomcat install that comes with NetBeans can be found in the enterprise3/apache-tomcat-5.5.17 dir in the NetBeans install dir.
However, a per user directory containing NetBeans specific stuff exists on your hard disk as well. For Windows users, this directory is located in C:\Documents And Settings\<username>\.netbeans\5.5rc2 and for Linux users, this directory is .netbeans/5.5rc2 in your home dir. This directory contains a directory called apache-tomcat-5.5.17_base which contains tomcat specific stuff. The shared/lib directory should be in here. As you can verify yourself, there is no directory name shared, so create it, create a lib directory in the newly created shared directory and copy the four Glassfish jars mentioned earlier to that directory.
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