Re: _at_RolesAllowed X Groups and Roles

From: Kumar Jayanti <Vbkumar.Jayanti_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 17:02:41 +0530

Felipe Gaścho wrote:
> question: if I use @RolesAllowed instead of the old fashion groups and
> roles declared in web-xml and wun-web.xml files, I still have the
> "group concept" ?
RolesAllowed is not supported on Servlets. Instead there are new
ServletSecurity Annotation. :

> or just enumerating the roles in the annotating is already a groups mapping ?
If you are using the default P2R concept then the roles declared is
already a groups mapping (same named group is mapped to same named role)
not otherwise.


> I am asking tat because I am using the old style xml files to
> configure the security of my application, and every time I edit one of
> those files I get myself thinking if I still need that ....