RE: Re: JAX-RS error code 500 = GlassFish HTML error page

From: Markus Karg <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 16:09:20 +0100


> The web tier team. However, i do not think it my call to dictate my

Ok, so will I do that for you instead. ;-)

> preference in this respect (assuming i am correct and the default
> behavior is not required by Servlet) as i understand disabling the
> feature by default will also cause complications for other users. So a
> good compromise would be to have a, documented, per-servlet/per-web-
> app init/context parameter.

As long as it implies that a pure Java EE RI download will be already
configured in that way, I don't have any problem with such a switch. I
only have a problem with the fact that some people started to discuss
the idea that the JAX-RS people must configure something to get GF run
the clean way.
