How to secure a Jax-WS for consumption by .NET WCF

From: Magnus Palmér <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 22:16:04 +0100

Dear all,

We are rewriting some old stand-alone webservices (SOAP over HTTP) to Jave
EE 6 Jax-WS annotations that is to be deployed on GF V3.
They are to be consumed by .NET using WCF.

Using Netbeans 6.8 we've managed to secure them using WSIT.
I assume this step could be scripted for ant builds as well?

Is this best practice?
How does this compare to setting Security --> Message Security --> SOAP in
the GlassFish admin?
Is there any other way of doing this?

There is a lot of information available and I get somewhat confused so if
anyone could point in the right direction for me to pursue this knowledge it
would be highly appreciated.

Best regards, Magnus Palmér