my cluster is composed of 4 servers:
-two servers are web servers with Sun Java Web Server
-two servers are application servers with Sun Glassfish.
We are using Glassfish load balancer with sticky sessions between web servers and application servers. We have another load balancer in front of the web servers which is currently configured as sticky.
I would like to configure the load balancer in front of the web servers as round robin (not sticky) and instead rely on Glassfish load balancer's stickiness to preserve session affinity.
Will it work, or will the two Glassfish load balancer plugins (one on each web server) have problems maintaining session affinity?
Let's make an example.
Session A is first server from web server 1 which routes it to Glassfish 1.
In the current setup the load balancer in front of the web servers makes session A always go to web server 1, where Glassfish load balancer always routes it to Glassfish 1.
I would like to configure the load balancer in front of the web servers as round robin. This means that session A could go either to web server 1 or web server 2. What I need is that in both cases session A is then routed to Glassfish 1.
My doubt is this. The first time session A goes to web server 2, it is a "new" session to web server 2 and its Glassfish load balancer plugin. Can web server 2 recognize that session A is not new and has been routed to Glassfish 1 in the past?
[Message sent by forum member 'federicocozzi' (federico.cozzi_at_dp2000.it)]